IFSW gratulerer med sosialarbeiderdagen
Greetings on World Social Work Day – 17 March 2020
This year we are going through a very challenging time in Europe.
Social workers are working in very difficult conditions. Although we are not medical staff, we are the link to the most vulnerable people in society and to those who are at risk of exclusion and isolation because of COVID 19.
We do endorse the message that people should stay home to ensure prevention.
But how do you send a homeless person home?
Social workers have to develop solutions for people living in the most difficult conditions. Social worker cannot stay home.
The subject of the World Social Work Day 2020 is the importance of human relationships. Whatever happens now – this is important, but we have to rethink how professional personal relationship can be ensured without putting ourselves and others in a risky situation.
Dear social workers all over Europe, I express my gratitude for your efforts during these extreme times.
It is compulsory to take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of others.
Ana Radulescu
President IFSW Europe
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