Felles nordisk uttalelse om Gaza
We, the Nordic Associations of Social Workers, urge our governments to demand that international humanitarian law is upheld in Gaza. The killing and maiming of civilians, including social workers, must stop immediately.
We are deeply affected by the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and reports of war crimes. Daily, we see the suffering of thousands of innocent children and civilians and famine due to lack of food access.
To save lives, it is crucial to demand a ceasefire, the release of hostages, and comprehensive humanitarian aid. After the immediate crisis, long-term psychosocial and social reconstruction will be necessary. The global community must support this effort.
Civilians on both sides have lost their lives, families have been destroyed, and transgenerational traumas are being relived. We call on all forces to unite for a just peace, immediate ceasefire, and release of all hostages.
The Nordic countries and the international community must prioritize and prepare for interventions to rebuild individuals, communities, and civil society in Gaza. Unaddressed traumas will hinder peaceful coexistence, a price neither Israelis nor Palestinians should pay.
On behalf of our respective associations.
Steinunn Bergmann
President of the Icelandic association of social workers
Ditte Brøndum
Vice president of the Danish association of Social Workers
Heike Erkers
Speaker of the Swedish Association of Social Workers
Lisbeth B. Grandalen
Vice president of the Norwegian Association of Social Workers
Jenni Karsio
President of Talentia the Finnish Association of Social Workers
Hallbjørg Lamhauge
President of the Faroese Association of Social Workers
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