Children in School in Antsirabe – rapport fra oktober og november
Se bilder fra skolestarten på Madagaskar og les om planlagte tiltak framover.
I slutten av oktober startet nytt skoleår på Madagaskar. Tre elever har fullført skolegangen og har nå startet yrkesrettet utdanning, mens tre små barn har kommet inn i prosjektet.
Dette er hva de vil jobbe med fremover:
Next step
- Regular follow up about the children assiduity should be carried out. So, we keep communicating closely with teachers and School principal. They let us know when pupil misses classes with no reasonable reason. We will do also regular school visit.
- To increase the assiduity in school of all pupils and to have successfully school results, we think to request from FO the following items for the next funds:
- New school bag for 05 pupils in preschool level. This is because pupils in in preschool level have not received a school bag from Government.
- We would like to continue the contribution of FO Trondelag in the cost of daily snack/ collation of our 50 pupils for 30 days in school as 500 Ariary per day. Holiday and day off are not included. This is because all our pupils are from poor families who can’t afford the cost of daily meals for their children. The staffs in Antsirabe Municipality always seek approaches to have diversity of food for kids and in order to have also healthy dietary for pupils.
- We wish to continue also supporting children at the beginning of the school year, with the essential hygiene and property supplies (soap for body and for clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste). Those kids will become a model in term of property of theirself and their clothes to their classmate.
En stor takk til Internasjonalt utvalg, for den viktige jobben de gjør på vegne av fylkesavdelingen!

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